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The Shadow of the Wind | Book Review

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    Sahil Fruitwala
The Shadow of the Wind | Book Review

"The Shadow of the Wind" is one of the best mystery books I have ever read and the only one I've given a 5/5 rating on Goodreads so far. Writer Carlos Ruiz Zafón has done an excellent job describing each character and the scene.

The beginning of the book depicts an amazing chemistry between a young boy (Daniel — the main character) and an older woman, and how it took a dramatic twist. The description and illustration of the character Laín Coubert was fabulous, and the intensity with which it was introduced was amazing.

The art of storytelling and the twists it took in every section were commendable. Words would not be enough to explain how the story took turns without giving out spoilers. Characters turning from hero to villain and from villain to hero was amazing. The spark between the young couple, the sarcasm between a wiser man and a young man was amazing.

The story grew on me over time and had some anecdotes and life lessons in it. Two lines that touched me the most were:

  • ‘Presents are made for the pleasure of the one who gives them, not for the merits of those who receive them’
  • 'A prisoner of my own blindness, I wasn’t even capable of guessing what destiny had in store for me.'

I would go to lengths and say if a movie were ever made on this book, it would be one of the best mystery movies ever. Not just better, but 100% as good as Sherlock Holmes. Carlos, as a writer, understood and has made sure when to take the story into the total past and when to go into flashbacks. Some writers, regardless of an amazing story, are not able to do this, and I am really glad to see it. Also, a great appreciation and slow claps for Lucia Graves. He has done amazing job translating it.

In conclusion, I would say that "The Shadow of the Wind" has demonstrated the great characteristics of a mystery novel. It is a great combination of suspense, love affair, danger, and humour.