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The Victim Game: A Rant on Fake Suffering
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- Sahil Fruitwala
"We suffer more in imagination than in reality." > — Seneca
Seneca said this beautiful quote thousands of years ago. But he forgot, people like to show their suffering as some kind of achievement. Some people just like how it feels when they are suffering (physically).
The Pretenders
Most people nowadays are pretending to suffer or just finding ways to get more problems in life by making dumb choices. And they boast about it by saying, "You only live once!"
Others like to pretend they are suffering to play the victim card, to get sympathy from people around them. To me, these kinds of people are those who are so used to attention that they can't think of any other way to grab people's attention or emotionally attach to them. So, they play the victim game.
A Personal Confession
I am one of those people.
I used to do it. When people were ignoring me or not showing the same emotional attachment that they showed other people, I got jealous. This is the point where I started playing the victim game.
I did it for some years, but last year I realized something. I just wanted someone to talk to me, someone to understand me, someone to just be with me. I did not have anyone most of the time, so I started pretending that I had issues in my personal life or I was facing some issues in my professional life.
This victim game grabbed me some attention. But, for how long? People will realize sooner or later that these are just hacks that I'm using to grab their attention. If you don't want to play the victim game, you need a purpose and fulfilling relationships. But we're not going to talk about that in this blog.
The Online Strugglers
So, why am I ranting about playing the victim game?
Because I saw many people trying to sell their services or products by playing mind games and victim games. They're trying to show they've struggled so much and they've gone through a lot of difficult times.
But in reality, they haven't. Many people consider not getting what they want as suffering. Actual suffering is when you don't have a place to live or money to eat. But most of the online "strugglers" have covered most of their basic needs but wanted more and couldn't get it, so they say "they are struggling!"
Don't Be Fooled!
People will try to make you an emotional fool by selling you products hidden in sad stories. Try to ignore these made-up stories and look at what you're getting from that product. Are you buying just because you feel sorry for them?
We're not talking about the people who live on the roadside, who don't have a place to live or food to eat. You should help them, but not these online motherfucker strugglers.
Hope you got something from this rant.
See you in the next session 👋🏼